With a goal of delivering differentiating property management services across the country, Stream Realty Partners has promoted two longtime professionals to oversee its cornerstone platform on a regional level.
Dorothy Hamilton and Amanda Coupe will work alongside newly promoted National Managing Director Dennis Skelly and serve as Regional Managing Directors of Property Management. They will be responsible for driving service consistency, harmonizing the firm’s core values of smart, honest, nice, and passionate across multiple markets, and creating opportunities for talent to learn and grow by providing the tools, resources, and training they need. The moves, effective immediately, will have Hamilton supervising teams in Washington, D.C., Northern Virginia, Maryland, Philadelphia, and New York and Coupe managing personnel in Austin, El Paso, Denver, Nashville, Phoenix, Atlanta, and Charlotte. Hamilton will remain based in D.C. and Coupe in Austin.
“We are thrilled to have Dorothy and Amanda expand their roles and support our property management teams on a regional level,” Skelly said. “As we continue to grow, having Dorothy and Amanda share their leadership, knowledge, and experience with a broader group will undoubtedly benefit our entire platform.”
Dorothy Hamilton
Hamilton joined Stream in 2014 and has more than 25 years of commercial real estate and asset management experience in the United States and United Kingdom. She has worked for firms including Cassidy Turley, Standard Life, and Trammell Crow Company and has managed over 2 million square feet of Class A and trophy office space in Washington, D.C. She was a Director of Property Management before the promotion.
“The expansion of my role has me starting property management services in New York, which has completely different rules, regulations, and methods of operation as compared to other Stream markets,” Hamilton said. “I am excited for the opportunity to increase my knowledge of how each market operates in terms of regulations and how to navigate those for daily operations. A lot of networking and travel will also be required to hire the highest-caliber employees, train them, and ensure they are well-taken care of with adequate support. Those are my specialties.”
Hamilton is a board member of the Building Owners and Managers Association D.C. chapter and is active on its legislative and emergency preparedness committees. In her free time, she said she hikes 10 to 12 miles every weekend and loves road trips, traveling, and having friends and family from Scotland stay with her. She also appreciates real estate.
“I love buildings, especially old buildings,” she said. “I remember when I first visited Washington, D.C. before I moved here. I stood on the National Mall in total awe of the buildings that exude power and decided then that I wanted to manage buildings in this city!”
Amanda Coupe
Coupe started at Stream in 2016 and has more than 20 years of commercial real estate and asset management experience in the United States and Germany. She has worked for companies including Cushman & Wakefield, GLP, MB Real Estate, and Morgan Stanley Properties and has managed portfolios of 200 million square feet in Frankfurt. She was a Director of Property Management prior to the promotion.
“I appreciate that Stream recognized my talents in my prior experience and established a structure that allows me to create opportunity and success for more of our teams and clients as we continue to grow,” Coupe said. “My esteem as a leader comes in seeing others succeed. I will bring all my knowledge to the table to support, solve problems, and let others shine. My goal in life is to create opportunity and success for our teams. Seeing their growth and achievements makes me grateful every day to be a part of it and a great company.”
Coupe is an active member of BOMA’s Austin chapter as well as NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, CREW Austin, and the Institute of Real Estate Management. Travel, both domestically and internationally, is a huge hobby of Coupe’s, she said. She’s currently exploring all that Austin and Texas offer.
“The motto ‘if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life’ sums up my enthusiasm for Stream, my team, and my colleagues,” Coupe said. “Every day I get to work with the most talented individuals in our business, and everything great that we accomplish together comes through me with that love and passion for what we do and who we do it with.”