
Why Stream Opened a Nashville Office During COVID-19

Derek Land May 26 < 1

Recently, Stream opened a new office in Nashville. Now, you may be thinking, why would a commercial real estate company expand into a new city during a pandemic, when everyone is working from home and many are theorizing a permanent shift in the commercial real estate market due to remote working? And, why would you take a risk on Nashville instead of choosing a larger coastal city? I mean, are we crazy?

Well, we are certainly crazy about Nashville. After personally living in Austin the past two decades, it is easy to see a similarity between the two cities — people are proud to live in Nashville and have a vested interest in its culture.

Having gone through a similar boom in Austin several years ago, it’s motivating and exhilarating to see what a unique time this is in Nashville’s history. Read more from Derek Land, Stream’s Head of New Markets and Partner, about our expansion into Nashville and future plans by clicking here.

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