Industrial Services

Stream NoVA’s Industrial Team’s Winning Approach to Real Estate

September 12 4 min read

In a world where spreadsheets and square footage often take center stage, Caulley Deringer, Steve Cloud, and Andrew Hassett of Stream’s D.C. Metro industrial team are crafting a different story. Seeing beyond the bricks and mortar of commercial real estate (CRE), these industrial experts are focused on the dreams, aspirations, and goals of the clients they serve, tackling challenges and offering solutions that truly deliver results.  

This unwavering commitment to people and client-centered approach to real estate has not only set an exemplary standard throughout the Northern Virginia market, but has earned them the 2024 CoStar Career Achievement Award. It’s a testament to the power of meaningful connections, where building trust and genuine care are just as important as closing deals.   

Getting started in CRE 

As the team reflects on their careers, with 80+ combined years of experience, they can’t help but fondly recall their early days in CRE, each taking a unique path. For Deringer, the passion for real estate started early on. 

“I distinctly remember hearing about CRE from several college friends who had recently graduated and moved to Washington, D.C.,” Deringer recalls. “I loved the idea of building a career in a thriving market and economy that was just starting to take off in Northern Virginia.  Working on complicated transactions in a competitive environment where hustle and hard work pay big dividends struck me as the perfect blend of skill sets needed to be successful and add value.” With so much happening in D.C. at the time, Deringer knew this was the path for him. “Everything in D.C. felt vibrant and full of potential, and I knew then that the many opportunities in CRE would enable me to be a part of it,” he continued. 

Cloud’s journey was a bit different. “I interviewed at CBRE, but they stated I needed sales experience before hiring me,” Cloud recalls. “So, I took a job in sales at the Yellow Pages, came back, and have been in CRE ever since.” 

For many, getting started in CRE can feel like a winding road, especially without the right support. Hassett describes the transition from a corporate management consulting role to commercial real estate as a substantial shift.  

“In consulting, there was a clear path with regular feedback and set promotion schedules,” Hassett explains. “But getting started in commercial real estate can feel like the Wild West—with no defined roadmap to follow.”  

One of the biggest challenges Hassett faced was breaking into the market with limited knowledge. With just an email address, phone number, no existing client base, and a draw-model system to earn from, it was easy to feel lost. That is until Hassett met Deringer and Cloud at Transwestern, who took him under their wing. 

“Having strong mentors, as I did, and making the most of those opportunities is what has made my career incredibly rewarding,” says Hassett. 

The trio has now worked together for 14 years, making the move to Stream in March. 

“The decision to come to Stream was simple,” shares Cloud. “The energy, excitement, and people-first culture were the biggest draw. Stream wasn’t just interested in growing the company, but in delivering solid results for its clients. As a team that has always placed client needs above all else, that resonated with us.”

Delivering Exceptional Results  

Even amid market challenges, the team at Stream NoVA has proven their resilience and adaptability. As Deringer puts it, “We’ve been around long enough to know that you don’t get too excited about the highs, and you don’t get too worried about the lows. Instead, focus your energy on understanding what works and what doesn’t to ensure you’re driving client value.”  

And drive value they have. 

This year alone, the team has delivered on two impressive projects: the first, a prime infill site along Route 28 South. “We competed for the business against our four biggest competitors with a very comprehensive pitch presentation (our first at Steam), which was a gratifying win for our team,” Deringer notes.  

28 South Distribution, a state-of-the-art industrial building, is set to deliver in mid-2025. Its central location, in Dulles south, and unique design, featuring retail elements and ample warehouse space, are expected to attract a premium tenant. “We envision a tenant who needs a small showroom and office with warehouse capacity and who appreciates the unique value in locating to this rare and high-quality space,” Deringer adds.

Another notable project involved Beanstalk, a pioneering vertical indoor farming company. The team successfully secured a new facility in Prince William County, specifically tailored to meet Beanstalk’s innovative agricultural practices. “Beanstalk is at the forefront of indoor agricultural technology, using soil and renewable energy to grow produce indoors,” Deringer explains. “The Governor’s visit and ceremony to celebrate their new location and growth highlighted the importance of this business and its contributions to the region and state.” 

Looking Ahead.

As the team reflects on their recent CoStar award, they can’t help but feel immense gratitude for their lucrative partnership and the clients they’ve had the privilege to serve. “This award isn’t just about us,” states Hassett. “It’s about the incredible clients we’ve supported and, in turn, the goals we’ve brought to fruition.” 

Sitting with the NoVA industrial team, it’s clear that they’re proud of their past, excited about the present, and optimistic about the future, viewing each opportunity as a chance to continue to perform.

Camaraderie, service excellence, and industrial expertise – it’s clear that when relationships come first, success follows suit.  


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