Changing careers can be exciting, but what if your skills and experience don’t perfectly match the job description? You should pursue new challenges, and if you confidently market yourself and your transferable skills, you will stand out from the crowd.
Insights and Advice from Three Professionals New to Commercial Real Estate
In the second of this three-part series, Paige Korte an Associate in Chicago shares advice on applying a career playbook to your CRE career.

Before working in CRE, Stream’s Paige Korte was a broker at C.H. Robinson—one of the largest logistics firms in the world. Working on the customer side in sales and business development, Paige would pitch the firm’s value-add and services. Paige found the best way to differentiate herself from all the other freight brokers calling was by doing thoughtful research on the client’s company and identifying potential pain points prior to cold calling.
Paige has created a career playbook by applying the universally smart approach below to her CRE career—an approach she learned in the freight industry:
- Ensure complete knowledge of your product/service
- Keep up to date on the state of the market and current events affecting the industry
- Thoughtful prospect research—know your audience
- Regimented follow up—could you be a resource to the prospective client? Are they satisfied with their current representation? You won’t know unless you ask
- Thoughtful follow up—following up with interesting articles or touchpoints that may impact the client’s business
If you found Paige’s insights useful, check out advice from two more of Stream’s recent recruits: Myles McDevitt presents his take on flexibility and innovation and Scott Ferguson’s shares three “must have” skills, perfected in the world of politics and equally transferrable, for success in CRE.
Stream recruits professionals from inside and outside the CRE industry because there is great value in diversity of thought and experience.
Stream is continually seeking the best and brightest talent. Contact us to find how Stream can take you—and your transferable skills—the distance in your career.
Molly Robottom
Vice President of Recruiting